Zina & Graham’s memories of Harry

Created by Zina 6 months ago
Harry has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, he felt like a big brother to me. One of my earliest memories is having my photo taken with Karen, when she was a baby, sat on Harry’s Conder donkey jacket in our back garden. 

Growing up I was a frequent visitor to Marina and Harry’s house, they lived in the next street then, and it felt like a second home to me. Harry loved music, and he would nearly always be sat in the corner next to the stereo with headphones on listening to his records, often oblivious to what was going on around him.

Harry was mostly an easy going person, but I remember one particular time when I was younger that he stood up to my dad on my behalf. It meant a lot to me, I really appreciated his support and have always remembered what he did for me that day.

For years me and Gra have regularly met up with Harry and Marina and enjoyed putting the world to rights over a cuppa. Gra felt really close to Harry as you would an older brother. We spent the millennium evening with them and Gra remembers walking around Winchester with Harry that night and the celebrations and fireworks around them.

Harry liked playing darts and we have fond memories of the darts evenings, with a few bevvies and Harry usually winning. Harry enjoyed quizzes and the family Trivial Pursuit nights were a good laugh. Harry was a big Saints fan and Gra enjoyed watching football with Harry on the TV and the lively debates about team selection and the way they were playing. 

Harry meant so much to both of us and always will. 
